Venture Global Archives - Webber Research

W|EPC: Venture Global’s Plaquemines LNG Project Update – Q224

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W|EPC: Plaquemines Parish LNG Project Update – Q123

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W|EPC: Forecasted Project Timelines – Q423 Update






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Webber Research: Global LNG Project Rankings & Q423 S/D Model Refresh

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W|EPC: Plaquemines Parish LNG Project Update – Q323






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W|EPC: DOE Non-FTA Reg Changes & LNG Project Database Update Summary

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W|EPC: Golden Pass LNG – Project Timeline & Cost Ests, Satellite Image Review – Q223





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Webber Research: Venture Global LNG – Plaquemines Parish Project Update – Q422






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Webber Research: Global LNG Project Rankings & Outlook


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W|EPC: Venture Global’s Calcasieu Pass LNG – Q421 Update

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W|EPC: Golden Pass LNG – Delay & Contingency Fund Estimates Continue To Ramp – Updated Project & Satellite Image Review

Total Pages: 18

Table Of Contents

  • Golden Pass Q320 Update – Key Takeaways (page 2)
  • Revised Cost & Schedule Forecasts (page 3)
    o Cost Forecast (page 4)
    o Project Milestones (page 5)
    o Progress Analysis (page 6)
    o Analysis – Chiyoda’s 16% Reported Progress (page 7)
    o Putting It All Together – W|EPC updated contingency fund and project delay estimates 
    o 18-Months After FID, Sabine Pass vs. Golden Pass LNG (page 8)
  • Joint Venture Analysis (page 9)
    o Change Order Analysis vs. JV Structure (page 10)
    o Possible Impacts to Chiyoda (page 11)
  • Satellite Image Analysis (page 12)
  • Disclosures (page 17)                                                                                                              

Key Takeaways:

1) Chiyoda’s Engineering Delays Continue. We believe engineering delays have eroded a significant portion of the EPC risk, contingency, and profit, with the likelihood of ramping balance sheet exposure. (Pages 4 & 11)

2) Timeline & Cost Overrun Estimates. Our updated project timeline (delay) and contingency fund estimates are now material, sitting at….(continued)

3) Our estimates point to Golden Pass project progress sitting closer to ~10% vs Chyioda’s report figure of 16% (Q2) based on both our satellite image review and….(continued)

4) Sabine Pass Comparison. 18-Months after FID Sabine Pass LNG Trains 1 & 2 were 57.1% complete, vs our estimated range for Golden Pass LNG (~10-16%). (Page 8)

Golden Pass LNG Satellite Image Overview (page 13)

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Venture Global & The Approaching Nexus – Drone & Satellite Image Analysis, Engineering Changes – Q320

Total Pages: 27

Table Of Contents

  • Calcasieu Pass Update – Key Takeaways
  • Calcasieu Pass –  Module Overview
  • Importance Of The Notification Window
  • Engineering Changes: Pre-Treatment Modules
  • Engineering Changes: Liquefaction Modules
  • Technical Analysis: Changes & Impact?
  • Satellite Image Analysis – BH Module Yard
  • Drone Image Analysis – Site Prep Update
  • Remaining Questions
  • Scenario Analysis & Predictions 
  • Disclosures                                                                                                                                                      

Key Takeaways:

1) We believe there’s a path to success (and underestimating Venture Global has been generally been a dangerous proposition) – however the late-stage engineering changes create a risk that’s worth watching.

2) Directly or indirectly, we believe the ultimate resolution to Calcasieu Pass will impact several aspects of the LNG supply chain – including competing projects, technology providers, and EPC partners. (page 22)

3) Module Delivery Sequencing Is Important. For context, KMI/Elba Island provided liquefaction modules to their EPC contractor (IHI E&C) 11-months late, which contributed to claims & >$300MM in forecasted change orders.

4) BKR’s Module Fabrication. Satellite images suggest Baker Hughes is installing….. (pages 14-17)

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