Venture Global – Calcasieu Pass LNG - PHMSA Tank Issues - Webber Research
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Venture Global – Calcasieu Pass LNG – PHMSA Tank Issues

May 2020

Total Pages: 4

Table Of Contents

  • Key Takeaways
  • Storage Tank Drama?
  • Not The First PHMSA Issue With Calcasieu Pass.
  • Calcasieu Pass LNG’s Tank Engineering History Is Muddy.
  • A Mistake, Or Model Byproduct?
  • LNG Storage Tank Safety Is A Key Topic Within U.S. LNG.
  • Questions for Calcasieu Pass
  • Disclosures

Venture Global – Calcasieu Pass LNG

Venture Global –  PHMSA Objects to Calcasieu Pass LNG’s Storage Tank Design

  • A day after Venture Global successfully raised the first LNG storage tank roof
    (4/27/20) at its Calcasieu Pass LNG facility, PHMSA issued a memo (4/25/20) to
    FERC objecting to the LNG storage tank design, citing non-compliance with the
    National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 59A).
  • LNG storage tanks must be designed and constructed to meet several regulations
    and codes, including NFPA 59A.
  • The timing of PHMSA’s objection is notable since the tank design should
    have been approved by PHMSA & FERC prior to the start of construction.
